Please donate as God has blessed you to support the work of the Livingwell Community Church

Gift Aid

About Gift Aid
Gift Aid is a government initiative that allows donations given to charity to be tax-effective. As soon as you give your permission, by completing our Gift Aid declaration form, we can claim the tax back on your donation.
You qualify for Gift Aid if you meet the following criteria:
You are a UK taxpayer
You pay enough tax*
*You pay Income Tax and/or Capital Gains tax at a rate at least equal to the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all all your donations in that tax year, otherwise it is your responsibility to pay the difference.
Sign up to Gift Aid today
Whenever you donate to us online or over the phone you’ll be asked if you want to add Gift Aid to your donation.
Don’t worry if you’ve forgotten to add Gift Aid - you can sign up today:
Fill in the online declaration form
Download a declaration form and post if back to us
Or you can email us on
It’ll add Gift Aid to the past 4 years of your donations to Cancer Research UK and any donations you make in the future, until you tell us otherwise.